Trans: A Documentary Feature Film in Production

“TRANS” is a feature documentary now in post production scheduled for exclusive release in selected festivals and markets in early 2012.

“TRANS” is an up-close and very personal journey into the transgender world through the memorable stories and the unusual lives of a remarkable cast of characters.

It begins with the story of Lt. Commander Christopher McGinn, a Navy flight surgeon selected by NASA to serve on two space missions. But, upon her discharge from the armed forces, Chris McGinn would set out upon a different mission…from which she was never to return. Now Dr. Christine McGinn is able to tell her own amazing story, (picked up by the media on both MSNBC and the Oprah Winfrey show) and provide an entrance into a complex and dramatic world that is “TRANS.” Below you may watch our previous DEMO REEL that tells Dr. Christine’s story in greater detail.

On the main screen above WATCH A BRIEF SAMPLE of just four of our many stories that will give you a glimpse of a few of the other characters featured in TRANS.

  • Danann, a 7 year old MTF (male to female) who knew who she was at 2 years old and has spent the rest of her short life making believers out of her parents and the rest of her world.
  • Cris, who only recently came to the realization that he is transgendered in a college classroom.
  • Pam and Erica, who had never met, but had been living the same lie for over 50 years. Now they are about to undergo surgery and begin new lives in their mid 50s.
  • Finally we glimpse a moment from San Francisco’s Transgender Day of Remembrance and witness a community under siege.

These are the stories of boys and girls, men and woman…and all the shades in between. Stories of extraordinary people who face fear, discrimination, ignorance and violence in the hopes they might one day be able to live…ordinary lives.

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